Matcha Strawberry Cream Scones

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Ever since 'Joy the Baker' put up her 'Tiny Strawberry Cream Scones', I've been wanting to make them. Not just because it seemed super easy, but also, remember the boxes of strawberries I mentioned in my last post? I still got them! And I need to finish them really quick before they start going all mushy on me.

But I didn't want to do exactly what Joy did. It wouldn't be all that fun that way would it? So I went with matcha. I'd been having this green tea powder since my last visit to Singapore and thought this would be the best way to start using it. Strawberry and matcha seemed nice. Atleast in my head. You could also skip the matcha and just do what Joy did. You wouldn't have to do anything but take out the matcha from the recipe. No alterations but that.

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Roasted Strawberries / Strawberries en Papillote

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I shouldn't be having a blog. People who don't have much to say shouldn't have a blog where they actually have to wax lyrical about everything. Hence, I wont. Going to back to being my normal, practical self where I think, speak and write in bullet points :-)

Roasted Strawberries are amazing
They bring an extra pop to these babies
Not the mention an accentuation of the flavours
En Papillote, in a cover, its even better, cos it cooks in its own steam, in its own juices, mingling, intermingling like... oh I have some funny words I shouldn't use here. Why are food blogs so polite by the way? Why does nobody ever use cuss words? Chefs are not known for their polite language.

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